ॐ ОМ - Осознанное Молчание - Международный центр

  • Подписчики: 42 подписчиков
  • ID: 37788295
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Молчание — воздержание от речи, использования голоса. Молчание — коммуникативная невербальная единица общения ОСОЗНАННОЕ МОЛЧАНИЕ - как универсальный международный общепланетарный язык общения МОЛЧАНИЕ - всегда с тобой ты его делать умеешь - в центре ты научишься делать это осознанно те кто не понимает вашего молчания вряд-ли поймет ваши слова чтобы научиться слушать нужно уметь закрывать рот, чтобы научиться слышать - необходимо уметь молчать все самое великое и важное людьми делалось делается и будет делаться молча слова облеченные в голосовые мыслеформы - невосполнимые энергетические потери... замолчите и вы познаете ... молчание - это обретение целостности, т.к речь это разделение, превозношение или принижение - все это часть целого лучшая похвала - восхищенное молчание мудрость нема Everything whatever or wherever made by members of this club – is made in silence… be it a flashmob or a club event. This space is Beyond The Time, where and with whom you are ready to keep silent! The decision of taking the responsibility to keep silent before yourself is only up to you! You are to answer only before yourself, because each club member is silent CONSCIOUSLY, having made the vow not to utter any of the speech forms - words or sounds! - other forms of communication between individuals are welcomed - eyes, gestures, facial expression - nonexistent inscriptions... (as this....) welcome to the club where «vsemolcha» («all is silent») ) Silence — abstention from speech and any voice use. Silence —nonverbal unit of communication. The CONSCIOUS SILENCE - as a universal, international, all-planetary language of communication SILENCE - always with you you know how to do it - in the center you will learn how to do it consciously those who don't understand your silence would hardly understand your words in order to learn how to listen it is necessary to be able to close your mouth in order to learn how to hear - it is necessary to be able to be silent all the greatest and most important things were made, are being made and will be made in silence words shaped into voiced mental images - are irreplaceable power losses. Just become silent and you will realize… silence is an acquisition of integrity, because speech is discrimination, a laudation or disparagement - just a small part of the whole a delighted silence is the best praise wisdom is mute The CONSCIOUS SILENCE as a universal, international, all-planetary language of communication Basic rules of the practice -whatever you do - do it in silence! You agree with yourself and you watch yourself only for yourself! Remember that you are a Conscious Being. Otherwise you wouldn't have received the invitation to this action! Anything that is – is not aimless. You take the obligation before yourselves and for yourselves - to be Consciously silent from the moment of the beginning of the practice till its end, about 8 hours Exceptions - you can say only 8 (eight) words upon termination of an action - words should be learned or written down - all participants will listen to them very attentively, cognizing and realizing the FORCE of the WORD additional rules of the practice 1) don't prevent anyone from doing what they are doing. 2) offer nothing that interrupts any things others do. If not asked for help - simply participate 3) just accept and join in processes 4) take the risk - be honest and spontaneous in creation 5) undertake obligations - and carry out obligations beyond the time 6) don't expect, don't hope, don't trust - create yourself 7) estimates, comparisons, conclusions are a waste of time Only questions cause true interest - form advanced questions for yourself 8) nothing that wouldn't be pleasant